Books on repairing manufactured homes are nearly impossible to find. If one is found, it's either outdated or lacking real information. This manual has changed all that.
The manuals Designed for homeowners as well as contractors, it is packed full of useful repair techniques. But it's more than just doing repairs, it's also about upgrading and improving a manufactured home. For instance, not only will you learn how to stop a metal roof from leaking, you'll also discover an inexpensive way to replace it. Want to relevel your own home? This manual gives you step by step instructions. Need to replace your waterlines? Then you can't miss the information found here.
Even if you are not going to do your own repairs, this manual will give you invaluable knowledge of how a repair should be performed so when you do seek a contractor, you know the right questions to ask. Written by a contractor, this manual should be required reading for every owner of a manufactured home.